ICT-Cubes RWTH Aachen
We developed a webservice to decode the facades of the ICT-Cubes, the new buildings of the electrical engineering faculty at the RWTH Aachen University.
- Aachener Zeitung: ICT-Cubes: Rohbau ist fertiggestellt
- Aachener Nachrichten: Zwei Würfel im Grünen für Wissenschaftler
- RWTH Aachen: Spatenstich zum Neubau der ICT-Cubes
- ICT Cubes Decode Webservice: From Slat Sequences to Cleartext
- Writing on the Facade of RWTH ICT Cubes
- Writing on the Facade of RWTH ICT Cubes: Cost Constrained Geometric Huffman Coding
- Sebastian Baur, Bachelorarbeit, TUM, ICT-Cubes Decode Webservice: Von Lamellensequenzen zu Klartext.
- G. Böcherer, Fabian Altenbach, Martina Malsbender, and Rudolf Mathar, Writing on the Facade of RWTH ICT Cubes: Cost Constrained Geometric Huffman Coding, best paper award at ISWCS 2011, Aachen.
- Fabian Altenbach, Georg Böcherer, and Rudolf Mathar, Short Huffman Codes Producing 1s Half of the Time, presented at ICSPCS 2011, Honolulu.
- kadawittfeldarchitektur: ICT Cubes
Our webservice allows to decode any slat sequence fragment. The fragment needs to be provided as a string that consists of l (left slat), r (right slat), and m (middle slat). Example:
You can copy any fragment of the complete slat sequence below and append it to ict-cubes.appspot.com/?slats= and let our webservice decode it.