- F. Diedolo, G. Böcherer, M. Schädler, S. Calabrò Nonlinear Equalization for Optical Communications Based on Entropy-Regularized Mean Square Error, joint lab workshop 2022, Munich.
- G. Böcherer, Integration of Probabilistic Shaping and Forward Error Correction: Spectral Efficiency, Rate, Overhead, CNRS/GdR ISIS Workshop on Coding, Modulation, and Signal Processing for Optical Communications, Telecom Paris Tech, Paris.
- G. Böcherer, On Joint Design of Probabilistic Shaping and Forward Error Correction for Optical Systems, OFC 2018, San Diego.
- G. Böcherer, Information-Theoretic Benchmarks for Coded Modulation, habilitation lecture, TUM, October 9, 2017.
- G. Böcherer, F. Steiner, P. Schulte Fast Probabilistic Shaping Implementation for Long-Haul Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, ECOC 2017, Gothemburg.